Sunday, October 08, 2006

Heyo, it's been a while.

Like, 3 years. Holy damn.

Things have changed quite a bit since 2003. I've graduated high school, have been in love, have survived two years of colleged, have visited Canada and stayed with aforementioned love (for a week. Her parents were there, along with two other friends from high school. Nothing happened.)

I've held several jobs and one summer internship (Google Summer of Code 2006!). I've made friends here at UIUC. I'm on acadamic probation for a really crappy spring semester. Hmm. And I'm currently working on what amounts to a rss aggrigator on steroids. Hopefully not too many steroid that it won't ever get off the ground, but uh. Yeah.

So this is a post because I need to grab blogger's atom feeds. And I prefer working with my own blogs.

Goddess bless.

(Yo, Powers That Be, I need a Manual upgrade, please. Like, preferably something I can see instead of having to rely on the wind.)


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